7 Least Known Reasons Why Hardworking People Fail !

Genius Mehra
4 min readMar 27, 2020


Most of the people think that hard work is key to success. I feel that this is not true. You may find many people who are hardworking but not successful. Laborers in the factory do so much hard work but they don’t get even proper wages. Then how can we say that hard work is key to success. Most of the hard working people fail and this time I am gonna tell you why they fail. What wrong they are doing? You can easily connect it to yourself. All the points are interconnected which makes it easy for you to understand. But I have excluded the ones which are very common. So here I start:


Most of the hardworking people work to criticize others. They want to compare themselves with less working people and just think that they work a lot. They find ways to criticize others. They just want to work to say that I work to others. They just want to show that they spent most their time to work.


People know that what they are doing is of no use and will be destroyed in just couple of hours or days. But they want to do it to show. This is very easy to understand by 80/20 rule. The successful people know that 80% results we get from 20% work. This is formula of successful people. And the hardworking people thinks that all time work will give them results and they keep on work. Their formula is do 80% work and they got only 20% result. They keep on doing 80% work because they don’t know that 20%. they do useless work but they work.


They don’t think of long term. They want everything to be straight and easy. They work for today and don’t think of future. They stick to one place/thing because they are getting instant results. They don’t have vision that can happen. They don’t want to think that something more good can happen to them if they wait for the results for some time. Hardworking people want instant results.


They don’t use their time. The time which is left with them, they waste it by doing stupid things. They keep on looking at phone whether it is of their use or not. To work, all need to rest but these people think that rest is not good. They don’t rest in that spare time which could recharge their energy. They waste their time in thinking of useless things in which they can’t do anything. Sleep is best thing a person can do in his/her spare time. But these people think that sleep is worst. Don’t waste time.


They take stress of things in which they can’t do anything. Thinking about it is just useless for them but they want to do it because they can’t take rest as it is not in their habit. And if they take stress of something in which they can do something, so at that time they don’t want to take actions to reduce it. They just want to stand and think but not do anything. This is the biggest problem with most of the people that they waste their time in thinking useless things and not finding solutions of things what they can do.


Hardworking people never think that what they can do. They just do what they are said to do and sometimes they do things which are out of the box for them and they spoil it but still they do it. They just learn it once and stick to that one thing. It doesn’t matter that it is difficult for them. They also know that this is difficult for them. What they are fed once or told, they do it all time. They don’t think that if they do something easy which is really easy for them will be much better for them. They want to do difficult work because they are fed that difficult work will give you success. This is absolutely wrong.


Hardworking people always think of safe side. They don’t want to be in any condition in which they can loose something. Wherever they feel risk or have doubt of loosing something, they step back.this is the biggest reason why those people fail. This is definite that if there is no risk, there is no success and definitely you’ll fail. These people do traditional work that is going on from many decades. They never try anything new because they fear that this is risky. If there is nothing new, then how can you think of success. Success comes to them who take risks. And when these people try to take risk, it is uncalculated. Like stock market, they don’t have any knowledge and buy stocks of same thing for a high price. If the market goes down their all money is vanished. Take risks but think of its consequences. Calculated risk means 70% success and uncalculated risk means 100% failure.


These people don’t have so much work but they make themselves so busy in thinking of useless things. They are so busy so they don’t get time to think what is right and what is wrong and because of this they most of the time choose wrong path and moves to failure. Whatever the people told them, they act upon it. They never thinks ever once that may be it can lead them to loss. They never try to think. They always think of best which can happen to them be happy. They never think of that what worst can happen to them and how are they going to deal with it. If they even once have thought about it so they will never fail.

To do any great thing or to overcome these things it is necessary that you accept you have these problems. so if you have accepted then you can overcome. So for that you can keep reading my posts and follow me.

